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How to redeem a bonus code?
How to redeem a bonus code?

A guide on how and where you can redeem a code.

Updated over a week ago

How to redeem a bonus code?

You can redeem a code by opening Profile / Rewards / Redeem a Code . Click on the button below to be redirected.

Type the code in the empty text box and click on "Redeem code". If you see a green confirmation box then it means that you have redeemed the code successfully.

Note that you can redeem a code only once, if you attempt to redeem it again you will be prompted with an error. Check your

Errors while claiming a code:

Sorry, no claims remaining: This means that all available claims for this code has been claimed, and there are no more claims available.

Invalid code: Whenever you get this error, then it means that the code you typed doesn't exist or you have already redeemed it. Few things to note if you are typing or copy/pasting the code:

  1. If you copy/paste the code make sure you have no spaces copied with the code, before or after it.

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