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How to play Simplified Roulette?
How to play Simplified Roulette?

A guide on how to play Simplified Roulette on, provably fair, Chips Originals.

Updated over a week ago

What is Simplified Roulette ?

Simplified Roulette is a provably fair game with a theoretical RTP of 94%. The game is a static one, which means that every round a random outcome is generated. Players bet to guess the winning outcome.

Each round a random number is generated between 0 and 14. Each number is marked with a color and the player can bets on Red, Black, or Green. The outcomes are:

  • Green: 0

  • Red: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13

  • Black: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Simplified Roulette payout table:





1 of 15



7 of 15



7 of 15


Open the Simplified Roulette

You can open the Simplified Roulette game from the Chips Original's category, or click on the button below to be redirected to the Simplified Roulette page.

How to play Simplified Roulette?

There are a few important things you need to know about Simplified Roulette and we will explain them here. Each number in the list will match the explanation of the function in the image of what the number is pointing at.

  1. Countdown: Before you can place your bets the game will be in idle status where all winnings will be paid to the players, and then the round goes into countdown, players will have 10 seconds to place their bets, once the 10 seconds are over no more bets will be accepted and the spinner will spin to land on a random outcome between 0 and 14 revealing the winning color.

  2. History outcomes: Players will be able to see the history of the last 10 rounds. Once you click on an outcome, you will see :

    1. Your bets history on this round.

    2. The "Round Hash" for provably fair.

  3. History Statistics: Here you have the statistics for the last 100 results sorted by colors, in the image above we can see that the winning outcome was:

    1. Green: 6

    2. Red: 49

    3. Black: 45

  4. Bet Amount Panel: Here you can place the amount you want to bet with on this round. The game has a dynamic max bet system, where your max bet depends on the color you are betting on.

  5. Betting Area: This is the most important section of the game where players can place their bets, here you will see all bets placed by all players, and you place your bet by clicking on one of the 3 colors sections, some more rules you need to know:

    1. You can place up to 10 bets on a single round as long as you don't exceed the max bet per round.

    2. You can not bet on Red and Black at the same time, however you can bet on Red and Green, or Black and Green.

    3. You can not place bets in different currencies, if you place a bet with BTC for example, all of your bets for this round will need to be in BTC.

    4. You place your bets by clicking on the color area, once you click on it the "Bet Amount" you have selected will be placed as long as it doesn't exceed the max bet. Click again to place another bet in the same round.

    5. Placed bets can not be removed or decreased.

  6. Your total bets on this round: Since you can place more than one bet on a color, the total amount of bets is summed for you and shown in the image above next to "Your bet"

  7. Total players on this round: This is a counter to show the total amount of players participating and betting on that color.

  8. Total bets on this round: This is the dollar sum of the total bets placed by all players on that color.

Auto bet

You can play Simplified Roulette on auto bet and use different strategies using the tools the auto bet provides, a guide on how to use the auto bet can be found by clicking on the button below:

Checking Bet history:

Under the Simplified Roulette game you can check your recent bets, as well the active bets of other players, we divided this into 5 categories:

  • My Bets: These are your recent bets.

  • All Bets: These are all live bets from all players.

  • High Rollers: These are big bets history.

  • Lucky: These are winning bets with low winning chances.

  • Big Wins: The are wins with a big value.

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