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Provably Fair
What is provably fair?
What is provably fair?

An articles about provably fair in general, and provably fair games on, Dice, Crash, Simplified Roulette, Advanced Roulette.

Updated over a week ago


The underlying concept of provable fairness is that players have the ability to prove and verify that their bet is not manipulated. This is achieved through the use of a commitment scheme, along with cryptographic hashing.

The commitment scheme is used to ensure that the player has an influence on all results generated. Cryptographic hashing is used to ensure that the casino also remains honest to this commitment scheme. Both concepts combined creates a trust-less environment when gambling online.

This is simplified in the following representation:

  • โœ”๏ธ fair result = operators input (hashed) + players input

Provable Terminology.

There are three main types of fields that you need to know about to properly execute outcome validation on your bets. These three fields are Server Seed (Hashed and UnHashed), Client Seed, and Nonce. These three fields make up our provably fair system here on

- Server Seed

The Server Seed is provided to you by our system. You will first obtain this in the "hashed" version. This means that the Server Seed is encrypted and shown to you before you make any wagers. We provide you the hashed server seed to prove to you that during your bets, the original seed was not edited. The seed is also encrypted in a very secure format to ensure that no user can figure out the outcome before the new server seed is generated.

To obtain the unhashed server seed, you must first change your client seed. Once the client seed is changed, then we will generate you a new and secure server seed and provide you with the hashed version again until you rotate the seed once more. After a successful client seed change, we now are able to show you the unhashed (unencrypted) server seed that may be used to validate your previous bets.

- Client Seed

The Client Seed is the users leverage over the entire provably fair system. Without this, the server could provide and return any server seed which could be forged. Users are able to set this text-based seed to whatever they choose, whenever they choose. This method is akin to a player cutting the deck in a non-virtual casino experience.

When you first join the site, we securely generate you a unique client seed so you can get right to wagering, but we will always recommend to set your own client seed to guarantee randomicity in relation to the players personal choice.

Follow this link to find a complete guide on how to change your client seed:

- Nonce

The Nonce can be visualized as a bet counter. Every time you wager, the nonce will increment by one. Thanks to our encryption method, this is sufficient to generate an entirely new and unique outcome without the need to rotate the client or server seed each wager. Along side of this, the nonce also shows that we do utilize the client seed that is set for every wager.

Third-Party Verification

All bets placed on are able to be verified both on-site and via 3rd party websites who have also open sourced their verification process. You can find them via a simple google search, or by checking out some of the following we have provided for you:

Provably fair games on

You can find all the in-house provably fair games on in the "Chips Original" category, you can go there by following this link:

The provably fair games available on are:

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