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How to change email?
How to change email?

A guide on how to change your email address for your account.

Updated over a week ago

The account system at Chips relies on your "Username" and "UserID" mainly, and these two are permanent. However players have the option to change the email address of the account if they wish to do so.

For unverified emails:

Players who hasn't verified their email yet are able to reset their email without needing access to the current email. They will just need access to their new email to confirm the verification.

How to request a reset email?

In order to request a reset for your unverified email, you will need to input the following:

  1. Current email address

  2. New email address

  3. Password

  4. 2FA (If enabled)

Once you input the following an email will be sent to your new email address, all you have to do is to open the link inside of it.

Step 1. Request Reset Email Link.

Email reset can be found in your Profile / Settings / Security, under "Reset Email".

Fill all the input fields and click on "Change Email" and a link will be sent to you NEW email address you provided.

Step 2. Open the email and follow the reset link.

Upon requesting an email reset link, an email will be sent to your new email address from "[email protected]" with a link to reset the email. Once you open the email click on the "RESET YOUR EMAIL" button and you will be redirected to our site to input your new email.

For verified email:

Players with verified email will need access to their current email in order to be able to change it, the process is automated and support CAN NOT change the email for you manually for any reason.

In case you do not have access to your current email, then you will need to contact the support of your email provider to recover your email first.

How to request a change email?

The way we handle this, you will request an email change and an email with a link will be sent to your current email. The link will redirect to you and ask you to input the new email address. Once confirmed your new email will be active.

Step 1. Request Reset Email Link.

Email Change can be found in your Profile / Settings / Security, under "Change Email".

Insert your current email address and an email will be sent to you.

Step 2. Open the email and follow the reset link.

Upon requesting an email reset link, an email will be sent to you from "[email protected]" with a link to reset the email. Once you open the email click on the "RESET YOUR EMAIL" button and you will be redirected to our site to input your new email.

Note :

  • Reset link will expire after a set period of time, if yours expires then you can simply request a new.

  • If you are facing difficulties to find the reset email sent to you, check out the section about "Locate Email from [email protected]".

  • Your new email will require verification, you can do so by following the new verification email sent to you. If you did not receive a verification email, or it expired you can always request a new one. An article on how to do so can be found below by clicking on the button.


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