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Verify your email
Verify your email

A guide on how to verify your email address

Updated over a week ago

To complete your registration it is important to verify your email address.

It is very important to complete this step to ensure the integrity of you account as anytime you might lose your password, 2FA , or access to your account, your email will help you to recover access, but it will only be good if it's verified.

Once you completed the registration, an email from "[email protected]" with a verification link will be sent into your email.

Step 1. Locate the verification email.

The verification email can be found in different folders, depending on your mail services and how they flag the email, search for it in one of the following:

  • Search for the email in your Inbox.

  • Your mail services may flag it as "junk" or "spam" so search in these folders.

  • Some mail services such as Gmail may send it to "promotion" section.

  • If your mail services provide a search bar, then search for: [email protected] .

If you still can't find it, please contact a support agent to help you.

Step 2. Verify the email.

Once you find the verification email, open it and click on "Verify Email!" button as seen in the image below to complete the verification.

If you receive the error that your verification email has expired, then you are able to request a new one, a guide on how to do that can be found below:

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