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How to reset 2FA?
How to reset 2FA?

A guide that help you recover your 2FA account, or reset 2FA

Updated over a week ago

Reset 2FA with secret key:

Losing 2FA is a common issue more then you know, specially with mobiles being subject to theft, or damage, or simply un-installing an app and losing all the data on it.

However If you have saved your secret key for your Chips 2FA account, then it is very simple to recover the 2FA on a new device, all you have to do is to re install an authenticator app of your choice manually restore your Chips 2FA account by typing the secret key manually.

All apps allow you to add a 2FA account by scanning a QR code, or by typing a secret key manually, the process might change from app to another, but in general the process is the same.

Reset 2FA without secret key:

In case you lost your 2FA device and you haven't saved the secret key, then the only way to reset the 2FA is by contact our Live Support and request a 2FA reset.

In order to reset 2FA, you will be faced with a serious of questions that the main objective of it is to prove that you are the account owner by answering questions that only the account owner would know, it is important to answer these questions the best to your knowledge.

2FA reset is a security risk for the account, thus the process might take up to 24 hours before you receive a response of your request being accepted or denied.

Note: After resetting the 2FA, withdrawals and movement of funds outside the account will be locked for a duration of 14 days for security purposes.

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